Easy DIY Nail Polish Organizer
13:34Hello guys
First of all: sorry for not posting much, but I have been soooo busy with school! But I will really try to post more! :)
So for this blogpost I watched some organize DIY's on Youtube and I recreated this one from Bethany Mota, but off course with my own twist on it! It's a really simple one, that you can easily try for yourself!
What do you need:
- a storage box (shoebox, tinbox,...)
- your own nail polish collection
- a sheet of white paper
- glue
- a hole punch
How to:

- take your sheet of white paper and a your first nail polish colour, then put some of the nai lpolish on the sheet of paper, not too much!
- Put all of your nail polish colours on your sheet and let it completely dry.
- When it's completely dry, take your hole punch and punch a hole in every nail polish colour.
- Take all of the little rounds out of your hole punch
- Match the color of the round to the coulour of the nailpolish
- And stick it on top of your nail polish bottle!
Tip: If you want to make it a bit cuter, you can also use a hole punch with a figure!
Now you can easily store them in a box and see what coulour what is!
Alternative: replace the normal sheet of paper with a sheet of paper, so you don't need to have glue and you can just stick it on top of the bottle.
Hope you liked this DIY and if you did don't be afraid to leave a comment! ♥
Evita x