Book review! The Selection, The Elite, The One, (The Selection trilogy)


Hello everybody,

Here's a short review of The Selection trilogy + The Heir. Hope you find it useful!

The Selection (1): I really enjoyed this book, it was fast paced and so addicting that I finished it in only one day!
In the beginning you start to learn about who America ( the main character) is and how this worlds political system works. At first I thought America was a bit rude but the more you read the more you start to understand why she does all these things.
The first 10 pages were bit boring to my taste. But once you finish those you  really get into the story! I would rate it a 4/5!

The Elite (2):  I also enjoyed this book alot! Even a bit more than the first one!
In this book America  really starts doubting over Maxons feeling and she can't stand seeing him dating happily with the other girls. Then a series of unexpected moments/accidents happen...
This one was again so addicting and more emotional. In different moments in this book you just wanna slap America in the face for all the stupidities she is doing! And then the Maxon versus Aspen! I just don't know what she sees in Aspen... So to say it in short: this book has irritated me in a good way, because if you get so fed up with abook it really means to me that i can find myself in the story!
I'd rate it a 4/5

The One (3):  In the last part of the trilogy the long awaited ending happens, Maxon makes a decision! but before taking this decision a long series of doubts, action, dramas and of course stupidities happen, because she wouldn't be America if she wasn't a bit clumsy! And I'm not going to spoil anything for you guys but the ending is just unbelievable and by ending i don't only mean the decision Maxon makes!

This part of the trilogy was for me the best part but at the same time not. I'll explain you why. Of course it was the best part because you wanna know what's going to happen in the future with America and Maxon! But before all of that there is alot of drama and by alot I mean super much drama, so if you thought that The Elite was sad/dramatic you're not going to know what's happening when you will read this! I truly enjoyed it although I get easily annoyed by books like this because of all the unspoken words that would have cleared everything out etc. Like the other books it was fast paced, entertaining and just a brilliant storyline!
I would rate it a 4,5/5

I would recommend these books to people that like a dramtic story full of action and romance!

And I know that there is a 4th book to this serie The Heir, I also loved this book (4/5) but i wanted to keep the first story line divided with the new one for my review.

If you want to see more about all the books i read/want to read etc. go add me as a friend on goodreads, ( you can also find this review there) this is a app that will help you make a list of books that you want to read, you can also discover new literature via this app because of the recommend button and the reviews alot of people leave when they finish a book. So be sure to check that app out!

Hope you liked this little review!

Evita x

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